Super Car Transport

When it comes to shipping a supercar, there is simply no room for mistakes. One single nick or scratch could be a multi-thousand dollar mistake. The carriers that ship these must have the proper experience, equipment, straps, and knowledge necessary to ship these autos.

Insurance. Insurance can become an issue when dealing with shipping a supercar. The vast majority of carriers on the road have policies up to $250,000. A select few have cargo policies that go as high as $500,000. Once those limits are reached, you are really looking at just a minute fraction of auto haulers that may have sufficient coverage for your auto. There are however Insurance supplements that are availble online that allow you to purchase a one trip insurance rider. Freight Quote is a notable example. At the end of the day, it may simply be that you have to ship your auto with a carrier that is under-insured. And that is simply the nature of shipping supercars. If you are very concerned with Insurance requirements, please contact us for possible referrals to direct trucking companies.

Be selective, not cheap. Our recommendation when looking for a transport to haul your supercar is to be selective for the best carriers, and don't try to be cheap. You want to attract the best and most experienced haulers on the market. Auto haulers are not all created equal.

If you have further questions as it relates to hauling supercars, feel free to contact us. Many of the founding members are prior enclosed transporters with decades of experience.

Things to think of when selecting a type of carrier to haul your auto.

  • Rock Chips - Although uncommon, rock chips are known to occure on open transport trucks.

  • Clearance of the vehicle - Low vehicles often require enclosed transporters who have the necessary equipment to load the vehicle. Race Ramps are a great thing to inquire about.

  • Height and Width of the vehicle - A tall and long vehicle will take up more room on a transport trailer, and will possibly require a 2-3 car flatdeck type of trailer. Because the transporter can only fit 3 vehicles on this type of trailer, typically the cost will be higher. However, it may be the only option.

  • Value of the auto - It is recommended to use an enclosed service if the vehicle is of high value. Enclosed trailers keep your auto completley encapsulated and offer the maximum amount of protection from all of the elements of the weather, while also offering additional protection from theft, criminal activity, or vandalism.

  • Price - If price is of importance to you, an open hauler will certainly save you $.